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TAQA Morocco is a public limited company with a Management Board and a Supervisory Board

The role of the Board of Management is to implement the company's strategic orientations, and ensure the smooth running of its activities and the development of the company. 

The Supervisory Board defines the company's strategic orientations and ensures their implementation. It also carries out the controls and verifications it deems appropriate and deals with any issue relating to the proper operation of the company.



CEO and Chairman of the Management Board
Zakaria Fafouri

Zakaria Fafouri

Finance Director
Fadoua Moutaouakil

Fadoua Moutaouakil

Director of Strategy, M&A and Risk Management
Mehdi Belghiti

Mehdi Belghiti

Director of Business Support and Transformation
M. Hicham Chad

Hicham Chad

Business Development Director
Saïd El Mamouni

Saïd El Mamouni

Executive General Counsel

Management Committee

The Management Committee is in charge of all matters relating to the strategy, development and organization of TAQA Morocco Group. To this end, it takes all the necessary decisions to achieve TAQA Morocco’s operational and financial objectives.

Company Council

Within this framework, the Company’s Council is consulted in order to issue opinions or to give its agreement in the following fields: Structural and technological transformations that may be carried out within the company; TAQA Morocco’s production strategy and the means to improve its profitability; Drawing up social projects for the benefit of the personnel and following up on them; The social balance sheet; The apprenticeship programs; The insertion training and the professional development.

Governance, Risk Management and Compliance Committee

The Governance, Risk Management and Compliance Committee reviews on a regular basis the overall approach and procedures for risk management, establishes a common framework for risk identification and management and ensures that dedicated means and resources are available, ensures the deployment of best practices and international standards in operational risk management, monitors the execution of the annual audit plan and internal control plan as approved by the Audit Committee, and implements the Company’s data governance. It is also the body concerned with ensuring ongoing compliance with the regulatory framework.

Health, Safety and Security Committee

In line with the legal and regulatory provisions stipulated in the Charter of Social Dialogue, the Health, Safety and Security Committee is responsible, on the one hand, for implementing the legal and regulatory provisions relating to Safety, Hygiene and Health Protection in the workplace and, on the other hand, for monitoring and coordinating security measures within TAQA Morocco.

Corporate Social Responsibility and Citizenship Committee

The principal missions of the Corporate Social Responsibility and Citizenship Committee are to develop, propose, formalize and monitor the Company’s CSR approach. It is also responsible for monitoring the CSR scorecard and regularly evaluating the CSR approach and its contribution to the Company’s performance. It is also responsible for drawing up a sponsorship action plan at the beginning of each year, in line with the Company’s guidelines and orientations, and ensures that it is implemented. This committee communicates the results of the CSR approach to the Company’s Supervisory Board and Executive Board.

Organization, Remuneration and Social Dialogue Committee

The Organization, Remuneration and Social Dialogue Committee has two missions. Firstly, it focuses on work organization and payment. This mission is to assist the Board of Directors in matters of compensation, organizational plans, succession planning and employee training. The second mission is Social Dialogue. The objective of this mission is to maintain a healthy and serene social climate through the coordination and supervision of the actions and work of the Social Dialogue Commission, created and operating in accordance with TAQA Morocco’s Social Dialogue Charter.

TAQA Morocco is governed by a Code of Ethics with the aim of fixing ethical rules and ensuring the respect for principles of equality, transparency and integrity. This is done in conformity with the values of TAQA Morocco, and more generally, those of the TAQA Group.

The Code of Ethics governs, in addition to the ethical rules specific to TAQA Morocco activity and the rules provided in the Code of Business Ethics from the TAQA Group, the rules, which govern the use and communication of confidential information by the company and in situations in which there is a conflict of interest.

Mr. Farid Saleh Farid Mohamed Al Awlaqi

Mr. Farid Saleh Farid Mohamed Al Awlaqi

Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Mr. Frank Paul Possmeier

Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Mrs. Fatma Otman Ahmad Otman AlShaygi

Member of the Supervisory Board

Mr. Andres Calderon Acuna

Non-executive Directors

Mr. Hamad Al Hammadi

Non-executive Directors

Mr. Nabil Almessabi

Non-executive Directors

Maha Abdulmajeed Ismaeel Ali AlFahim

Independent member of the Supervisory Board

H.E Mr. Saqer Salem Mohamed Binham Alameri

Independant Directors

Nomination and Executive Remuneration Committee

The Mission of the Nomination and Executive Remuneration Committee consists of assisting the Supervisory Board members in matters of nomination and remuneration of Board of Directors members. It is charged with making recommendations to the Supervisory Board on the selection and appointment of members for the Executive Board and on their compensation policy.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee monitors issues relating to the preparation and control of accounting and financial information. Thus, and independently of the prerogatives of TAQA Morocco’s Supervisory Board or Management Board, the Audit Committee is responsible before the Company’s Supervisory Board for:

  • Monitoring the production of information intended for shareholders, the general public and the Moroccan Capital Markets Authority (AMMC);
  • Tracking the effectiveness of internal control systems, internal audits and risk management related to TAQA Morocco;
  • Overseeing the legal review of TAQA Morocco’s corporate and consolidated financial statements;
  • Checking and assessing the independence of the Statutory Auditor;
  • Ensuring that senior managers take the necessary steps to establish a culture of compliance, with ethical and legal conduct.

Strategy and Business Development Committee

The general mission of the Committee is to assist and advise the Supervisory Board in fulfilling its duties with respect to strategy and business development.